Access Guidelines


Access Guidelines for Outdoor Climbing

Protecting outdoor recreation and the spaces and land we share are pivotal to the growth of climbing. All climbing in the United States exists on public or private land and as such, we must adhere to rules and regulations set forth by land managers.

For outdoor spaces, KAYA is forming partnerships with the Access Fund and many local climbing organizations around the country. These non-profit organizations are the voice and leaders of stewardship and climbing access.

In many cases, if you see a climb in KAYA that has an Access Alert message, this is through partnerships with these organizations who have informed us that a climb or climbs are not currently available to the public.

Access Alerts can cover a wide variety of issues such as;

  • private land access

  • seasonal closures due to sensitive ecosystems

  • cultural and historical sites that protect pictographs or other artifacts from indigenous cultures

  • and more….

If you’re visiting a new area, be sure to do your own research on the area you are climbing. Are there access issues? Are you climbing on indigenous land? Regardless of the answer, you should always be respectful of the land, the rules, and the regulations in place.

If you want to learn more about ongoing climbing access, please check with your local climbing organization or head here, Access Fund — The Climber's Pact, for resources from The Access Fund.

KAYA Climb