Announcement: the inaugural KAYA Community Awards – The OTY's


It’s fair to say pretty much everything about our sport has been challenged by the pandemic in 2020. That said, outstanding people and communities, brought us all together to recognize and explore some of the most important realizations around what climbing is all about and how we can show up for each other. Here at KAYA, we want to recognise this.

That’s why we’re announcing the inaugural KAYA OTY (Of-The-Year) Awards, aka THE OTY’s – like the Grammy’s, but with a different kind of rock star. This is for the people, the organizations, and the creators that kept us inspired and connected to climbing.  

You’ll find a form below to nominate the Climber, Coach, Setter and/or Gym that you believe deserve to be awarded an OTY this year. Whether it was their perspective, performance, support, humor, impact, etc. let the selection committee know why this person or gym stood out to you. 

Nominations will be accepted through this form on the KAYA Website until December 31st, and winners will be announced after the end (you guessed it) Of The Year.

OTY Award Winners will receive a cash prize (cash money, people), exclusive KAYA gear, and our endless love and appreciation.

– Team KAYA